Oh Lately It's So Quiet
I’d met Nina at a show where my friends were playing. I’d never seen her before. She’d stood out to me initially because of how tall she was--which I’d guessed was an even 6 feet--but I’d never fetishized tall girls. I’d thought that she was with Patrick, whose band was playing, so I didn’t make much of an attempt to talk to her initially. She looked intimidating, tall and fashionably harsh; she looked like a model. In those days she could have been accurately labeled a “scenester.” She had dyed black hair with heavy eye makeup, a look betrayed by her massive smile, which I remember thinking looked like Julia Roberts. Perhaps a benefit to my confidence, I’d only talked to her that night under the assumption that she was with Patrick and was off limits. In talking to her, I’d felt conflicting feelings of admiration and jealousy for Patrick because this mystery girl was proving to be ever so close to that elusive 22 year old man’s ideal of a woman: aesthetically feminine, but had th...